Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Fast Tourist, Slow Tourist: Stuck in the Middle of Paris

Arrived in Paris and met Kimmi at the fancy Sheraton. Had a beer, some lovely olives and smoked out brains out.....ah. All had gone very well, we congratulated ourselves and went down to get an RER ticket into Paris. Guess what....the ticket machines only accepted coins and European credit cards....we had neither. The Bureau du Change was out of change and the local shops refused to give out change - even if we bought something. The line-ups were huge and we began to think that our Paris trip would consist only of Charles de Gaule.....Brainstorm - back to the Sheraton where cute waiter boy gave us change....onto Paris!

Found our hotel with very little difficulty - with the exception of somehow walking through the Metro Tunnels from one station to another - how we don't know - lugging our bags up and down stairs and the like...silly girls. Sarah was leaning out the window waving as we arrived with a bottle of wine ready to be corked!!!!! Good Sister - and then she dragged our jetlagged asses all over the damn place until we almost died! Check out Sarah's blog for further details about how we terrorized the Latin Quarter and nearly got kicked out of a restaurant due to me throwing money around followed by some flagrant alcohol abuse - spray. http://sudsandsarah.blogspot.com/


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